Engage Every Family Webinar

Dr. Summer Prather-Smith of the Constantino Group presented an overview of the “Five Simple Principles to Engage Every Family," developed by Dr. Steven Constantino, as way for Migrant Education Programs (MEPs) at the state, local and district levels to harness the power of migrant family engagement as a direct conduit to student achievement.

The Five Simple Principles logic model is designed to place into a hierarchical order the principles by which true family engagement and the ultimate development and nurturing of family efficacy can be implemented and measured. The model supports the notion that there is a process to successful family engagement practices. Each of the principles falls into a logical sequence of action.

During the webinar, Dr. Prather-Smith discussed how the MEP can use the Five Simple Principles logic model to:

  • Increase authentic family engagement as a means of achieving desired student outcomes within each state’s Service Delivery Plan.

  • Explore the systemic causes of family disengagement and applicable solutions to reengage migrant families.

  • Improve understanding of the role that culture plays in shaping the conditions conducive to authentic family engagement.

  • Identify proven policies and practices that improve family engagement across MEP programing types.

  • Understand how to create measurable plans to effectively track the progress of family engagement and its impact on student learning outcomes and experiences in school.

The slides for this presentation can be downloaded here.


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